Jerry G's Blog

“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.”- John Wooden

Exploring “The Critical Few”

“Typically, causes, inputs, or effort divide into two categories: (1) the majority, that have little impact, and (2) a small minority, that have a major, dominant impact.”

Richard Koch

Hey there, it’s me, Jerry Garrett, and today we’ll dive into another MBA topic – the Pareto Principle. Let’s get started.

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80-20 rule or the critical few, states that 20% of your input yields 80% of your output. By focusing on that crucial 20%, you can achieve great things. Conversely, if you concentrate on the less significant 80%, you may not reach your full potential.

Pareto, a 19th-century economist from Italy, discovered this principle through extensive data collection. He found that 20% of people owned over 80% of the land in Italy. This 80-20 relationship appeared in other areas too – for instance, in his pea garden, 3% of the peapods produced 80% of the peas.

You can see this pattern in many complex systems. In businesses, less than 20% of customers often generate more than 80% of annual revenue. Moreover, fewer than 20% of employees contribute to 80% or more of a company’s valuable work. You might even notice this in your daily life – you wear less than 20% of your clothing 80% of the time and spend over 80% of your time communicating with fewer than 20% of your personal contacts.

In a business context, the critical few employees drive success. If these key individuals leave due to dissatisfaction, your company may suffer. While it’s essential to focus on the significant 20%, don’t forget about the remaining 80%. They still contribute to your organization and complete that vital whole.

Lastly, consider costs: there are critical and non-critical expenses. Reducing non-critical costs can improve your profit margin.

Read the original one from Josh Kaufman here:

That’s it for now – see you next week!

2 responses to “Exploring “The Critical Few””

  1. Great insights,
    The Pareto Principle is indeed a powerful tool for prioritizing efforts in both business and personal contexts. It’s fascinating how consistently the 80-20 rule appears across different scenarios, from revenue generation to personal habits. While focusing on the critical few can drive significant impact, it’s also crucial to maintain a balance by not neglecting the less significant majority, as they still play an essential role in the overall ecosystem. Understanding and applying this principle can truly transform strategic decision-making and resource allocation. Looking forward to more of your insights!!

    1. Jerry Garrett Avatar
      Jerry Garrett

      Thanks so Much uncle! I see that you have read my blog posts and you have spent lot’s of time to Write this comment! This really motivates me and I will be continuing to make blog posts every Monday..

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I am a 11 year old kid who is homeschooled and is interested in writing. You can expect posts every Monday from me. I post about experiences, MBA and many more.