Jerry G's Blog

“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.”- John Wooden

Breaking Barriers: The What, Why of Stress Testing

“To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future.”


Hey there, it’s me, Jerry Garrett, and I’m back with another post this week. Today, let’s dive into the world of stress testing. Suppose you have created a resilient system for your company, but how can you be sure it’s going to perform as well as it is supposed to? You can find out how far your system is able to handle stress by stress testing it.

I am going to put you in a situation where you launch a website, do some social media marketing, and on the first day of its launch, you receive 10,000 views. As a result, most websites aren’t able to handle that kind of traffic at the same time, which can lead to crashes as a result. What are the steps that we need to follow in order to discover these boundaries? By stressing your system and testing it under different conditions, you can improve its performance.

In a sense, stress testing is like purposefully crashing your website in order to see how it reacts. It may seem odd why you would want to crash your own system, but the only way you can learn about your system’s limits is by pushing it to the point of breaking. Having this data allows you to optimize and make your system more resilient by making it more efficient.

Can you keep up with the demand for 10,000 cupcakes if you suddenly get a flurry of orders at your bakery shop? In the absence of a manufacturing plant, it might take days to prepare that many cupcakes. It is crucial to know your maximum capacity so that you can increase it if you need to in the future.

It has become essential in today’s world of social media marketing that you are prepared for sudden spikes in demand whenever when or if they occur.. If, for instance, you are selling cheap drones, then your system needs to be capable of handling the pressure if word of mouth spreads and interest rises rapidly. A stress test can be beneficial in those situations, and that’s here it comes in!
The last thing you want is for your website to reach 10,000 views and then crash and burn just moments later. Can you imagine how frustrated you would feel if you knew that it was going to happen? The same feeling would be felt by your visitors as well. The people would look at your site, think that it doesn’t work, and then just like that, they would leave.

Read the original one from Josh Kaufman here:

That’s all for now. Catch you next week. Adios!

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I am a 11 year old kid who is homeschooled and is interested in writing. You can expect posts every Monday from me. I post about experiences, MBA and many more.