Jerry G's Blog

“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.”- John Wooden

The Unspoken Truth: How to Tell What’s Really Going On

Hey there, it’s me, Jerry Garrett, back with another post for this week. Today, I’m going to be talking, not about MBA, it’s not about an experience. It’s a new book that I started reading the book called the Laws of Human Nature It’s a book by Robert Greene, and it also it’s known as 48 Laws of Power.

So, I’ve started reading that book, and I started writing on it daily. So I’m going to be starting to make blog posts on it also. This is just the topics I like from it. Later on, after this, I’m going to be doing it in a series. For now, I’m just doing one of the topics that I like. Alright let’s get right into it!

So there’s a story of a person named Erickson. He used to be a psychiatrist, and after a while, this was in around the 1700s, where polio was incurable and it was spreading like wildfire too. And he ended up getting polio. And Erickson could do nothing but stay in the bed. At first, only his legs were paralyzed, but then even his arms and everything started to get paralyzed. It even got to a point where even his mouth got paralyzed. So he could not do anything but hear. He also ended up being blind.

So that was really bad for him. And after that, when all of his sisters and people who he knew came to visit him, all he could do was hear what they were able to do. And with that, he discovered something very new, body language. It’s a secret language that none of us know that we’re giving out, but can help you uncover lots of different things. And after a while, he also ended up being able to see, but everything else was still paralyzed.

So after that, he started seeing the body language and listening to how they hear. And because he could do nothing but hear, he could hear from miles away that we usually wouldn’t. And after that, on his leg, Erickson once in the middle around the knee, he felt a jolt. That was the first movement he had in a long time. So then, he called a nurse to direct sunlight to the knee and also massage that area. And within quite some time, Erickson had made a full recovery. And that was very astonishing, and he was, I’m pretty sure, the first person to recover like that. And one thing that he did not lose was his body language.

One thing that he did not lose was his ability to read body language. Then after that, he became a psychiatrist again. But this time, with body language, he could figure a lot of things out. Like, for example, there was a lady who came in, and she was giving away some body language signals and was saying that they were going to move abroad with her husband. And she didn’t know how to react. So she came to the psychiatrist for help. And because of the body language, Erickson was able to figure out the fact that she was keeping something from them. The fact that she had, that she was in a love affair with another person. And she was also astonished that Erickson was able to figure all of that out.

It is because of the body language. So with body language, you can figure out lots of things, lots of signals that people are giving off that you usually won’t be able to know. And that’s pretty much it for this blogpost.

We’ll see you guys next week. Bye!

2 responses to “The Unspoken Truth: How to Tell What’s Really Going On”

  1. Jerry’s post is a promising start to what seems like a thoughtful and insightful series on “The Laws of Human Nature.” His personal tone, combined with the rich narrative, makes it an enjoyable and informative read.
    Keep on writing.

    1. Thank you so much uncle! and Yes I will continue to write I will be posting every monday. Please tune in during Monday. (If you need exactly it’s 6:am)

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About Me

I am a 11 year old kid who is homeschooled and is interested in writing. You can expect posts every Monday from me. I post about experiences, MBA and many more.