Jerry G's Blog

“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.”- John Wooden

Cracking the Code: The Case for Performance-Based Hiring.

“Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it. Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.”

David Ogilvy

Hey there, it’s Jerry again, and this week I’ll discuss an MBA topic I haven’t touched on for a while: hiring. In business, you must know how to hire the right people to help your company grow. One method to consider is performance-based hiring.

  1. Announce your search for Hiring.
  2. Identify the strong Candidates.
  3. Request candidates to present previous projects of which they hold in high regard.
  4. Verify references by inquiring, “Would you consider collaborating with the candidate once more?”
  5. Offer potential candidates a brief turnaround task or consultancy opportunity for further evaluation.

A common mistake is focusing solely on a candidate’s GPA or the prestige of their university. But what truly matters is their skill and experience, not whether they studied at Harvard or a lesser-known school. Hiring mistakes can be costly and time-consuming, so let me share a simple, effective process for finding the right employees.

First, make it known that you’re looking for help. For well-known companies like Microsoft or Amazon, candidates flock when positions open up. But smaller companies may struggle to attract applicants without spreading the word.

Next, use an acid test to gauge their skills. Don’t be fooled by impressive degrees or GPAs; these factors aren’t always indicative of a candidate’s true abilities. Instead, ask applicants questions that someone with experience in the field, like coding, should be able to answer.

After identifying promising candidates, inquire about past projects they’re proud of and check their references. Finally, give them a small project to see how they perform in action.

Remember: hiring the right people is crucial for your business’s growth and success. By following this process and focusing on performance rather than pedigree, you’ll find employees who are truly the best fit for your company.
Ask them about their best projects so far. They’ll beam with pride as they share their accomplishments. If their work shines bright, you can trust they’ve mastered their craft. You’ll get a sense of their experience, like if they claim five years of coding but can’t show you anything impressive, then perhaps their creations aren’t that great.

Next, check references. Imagine you’ve worked for Company A and excelled. Now you want to join Company B. Company A provides a reference letter to Company B, vouching for your skills. This makes it easier for Company B to hire you with confidence.

Finally, give the candidate a small project or real-life scenario. Let them show you how they think, work, and communicate. Keep it short—a day at most—and let them produce a report, pitch, or asset. But don’t cage them in an artificial environment. If they’re coding, don’t limit them to specific tools; let them use whatever they’d use on the job. After all, the goal is to see them work in a realistic setting.

Read the original one by Josh Kaufman here:

That’s the gist of it! Until next time, farewell!

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I am a 11 year old kid who is homeschooled and is interested in writing. You can expect posts every Monday from me. I post about experiences, MBA and many more.