Jerry G's Blog

“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.”- John Wooden

Learning the Strokes—One Splash at a Time!

“The best swimmers are the ones that almost don’t try the most… It’s just about relaxing and enjoying it.”

Cate Campbell

Hey everyone, it’s Jerry Garrett here with another blog post this week. Today, I’m going to talk about my swimming lessons. If you’ve read my previous posts, you know that I’m currently learning how to swim.

So far, I’ve shared my experiences with my seven-day journey and diving, which were both focused on freestyle swimming. But now, I’ve started learning other strokes. First up is backstroke. I wanted to try this stroke because I felt I had a decent grasp on freestyle. I’m not perfect at freestyle, but I can manage it well enough. I thought backstroke would take some time to get used to.

Back Stroke

On the first day of learning it, I struggled a lot. I found myself stuck in the corner, just like I did with freestyle, and I couldn’t even land. But after a while, I decided to push through, and guess what? I learned how to land! Once I could land I practiced backstroke much more. It felt great to finally be able to do it.

I started working on my hand and leg movements, and I found it simpler than freestyle. This was partly because I had some experience, but also because my coach guided me through everything. With freestyle, I had to learn at a slower pace, but now my coach was giving me clear instructions, which made it easier to learn. After a few days of practice, I was really happy with my progress.

I can swim about 13 meters without stopping, which is a big achievement for me. Here is a video of me doing backstroke!

Breast Stroke

Recently, I’ve also started learning breaststroke. My dad swims breaststroke, and I’ve always wondered why he enjoys it so much. I wanted to try it, but I needed to focus on the other strokes first.

After getting comfortable with freestyle and backstroke, I finally gave breaststroke a shot. It didn’t take long for me to start getting the hang of it. I made a lot of mistakes, but I felt like I was improving.

The hand movements and breathing were pretty easy for me since I kind of practiced it for fun. And breathing was also pretty easy because I was already used to side breathing. However, I made a big mistake with my legs.

I hardly moved them at all and relied only on my hands, which was not good. That was pretty much all I did on my first day of learning breaststroke. But before you go, here is a video of me after I had done a good amount of breast stroke.

That’s it for this blog post!

I hope to share more about my swimming journey next time. See you all later! Bye!

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About Me

I am a 11 year old kid who is homeschooled and is interested in writing. You can expect posts every Monday from me. I post about experiences, MBA and many more.