Jerry G's Blog

“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.”- John Wooden

Life’s New Chapters: Here’s How to Make the Best of It

Hey there, it’s me Jerry Garrett back with another blog post for this week. The topic I’m going to cover today is another one of the 48 Laws of Power that I’ve written about previously.
Let’s get right into it.

People often struggle with change, which makes adapting difficult.

It’s not my intention to blame anyone because I myself haven’t experienced anything life-changing. In other words, I haven’t yet been affected by this issue. A life-changing experience can alter your personality, attitude, and perspective if it happens in a profound way.. As a result, you might even feel as if you are no longer yourself.

In one case, there was a boy who didn’t know his passions and wanted to take over his father’s company.

After his parents died, he threw himself into the company. In the end, he started making bad deals, even scamming the government, and fell into a very, very bad situation. Now, even in this there are two things.

One is a change by itself. Like, if one thing that you really care about is gone, then that could affect you a lot emotionally and mentally. But, for example, if you never really cared but you pretend to care, after it is gone, you will have a completely different personality. You might be very angry, you might be a lot less caring and everything like that. So, in that there are two things. So, some people you can’t blame them for.

After they figure out that they have completely lost it, they try and attempt to change. Some people don’t
attempt to change at all. At least if you try and you don’t get it, that’s fine. But some people don’t try at all. But there are a few people who when some major changes happen or when they have trauma from childhood, they just go on, they just let go of that. They don’t continue to just worry about that and change their personalities. Sure, that might have left some bad things in their memory, but then they just let go of it and continue with their lives.

There was an actor in the early centuries and in Hollywood she became an actress. And before that she had lots of trauma from her childhood. Her mother used to beat her a lot and everything like that. She didn’t let that get to her and she just continued with her life and she ended up being well.


And the summary is pretty much that each people react differently to life-changing situations or trauma. And how you handle it is the very most important part. If you get angry and everything, you may not turn out so well in the long run. But if you let go of it and you just continue on with your life, you might end up doing really well. That’s pretty much it for this blog post. See you guys next time. Bye.

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I am a 11 year old kid who is homeschooled and is interested in writing. You can expect posts every Monday from me. I post about experiences, MBA and many more.