Jerry G's Blog

“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.”- John Wooden

The Megamind Creations Visit

Recently, my father and I visited Megamind Creations, a company owned by the uncle of my father’s friend, Garjpreet. Today, I will share my experience at Megamind Creations.

Initially, my brother was supposed to join us, but a last-minute dental issue prevented him from coming. Nonetheless, my father and I proceeded with our visit. After enduring a 45-minute drive and a significant traffic jam, we finally arrived at their moderately-sized office.

Upon arrival, Garjpreet uncle kindly offered us tea before the talk was about to happen.

My father discussed two essential aspects of building a career:

  1. Structural thinking.
  2. Structural execution.

Structural thinking involves identifying a crucial step that continually improves your performance. Meanwhile, structural execution is the actual implementation of your plans. Having a brilliant idea is not enough; consistent execution is vital for success. This may require dedication over an extended period, even if the task becomes monotonous.

Then they all asked questions. A lot of them were about their career but most of the questions were of homeschooling. My dad answered the questions, yet lots of the questions were still coming. It ended up being four hours there instead of the normal one hour that we would have had to be there.

Then we were about to leave but then Garjpreet uncle offered us lunch and then of course we stayed at his office to have lunch. At first we thought of leaving but we changed our mind and stayed for lunch. They had a cafe right above their office so we grabbed lunch there. I got paneer paratha we talked for a bit and then we left.

In summary, our visit to Megamind Creations was enjoyable and enlightening. We were grateful for the warm hospitality extended by Gajpreet uncle, and I found the experience truly rewarding.

Until next time! Which is next week!

One response to “The Megamind Creations Visit”

  1. Impressive summary, Jerry! I truly felt like I was there in the Megamind Creations office with you. Keep it up!!

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About Me

I am a 11 year old kid who is homeschooled and is interested in writing. You can expect posts every Monday from me. I post about experiences, MBA and many more.