Jerry G's Blog

“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.”- John Wooden

Understanding Pressurising

By pushing or forcing something upon people, you tend to push people further away.

Christopher Atkins

Let’s talk about pressurization, or forcing someone to do something they may not want to. Picture this: you’re a car salesman and a customer strolls in. He takes interest in one of your cars – it could be luxurious or ordinary. Of course, you want him to buy it; there’s commission involved.

Some salespeople might try convincing the buyer outright. If he doesn’t take the bait, they let him walk away. But what if you put pressure on him? Chances are, it won’t work. Most folks don’t like feeling pressured into buying things – 90% would rather leave than feel forced.

Instead of relying on high-pressure tactics, consider bringing in another person – let’s call them a third party consultant. Suppose I’m an 18-year-old who loves traveling and is looking for a comfortable SUV to drive around in. This third-party can explain why that particular vehicle suits my needs perfectly — its features, technology offerings etc., all contributing towards making me understand the value.

Knowledge is power at any dealership; much more so than online information alone can provide. If customers know what they’re getting into with their purchase, there’s a greater chance they’ll go through with it.

Read the original one from Josh Kaufman here:

However, reintroduce pressure into this equation and watch potential buyers flee from not only your dealership but possibly even brands like Audi forever after such an experience.
Until next week then!

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I am a 11 year old kid who is homeschooled and is interested in writing. You can expect posts every Monday from me. I post about experiences, MBA and many more.